Originals on paper

In these paintings, the colors and the brushstrokes I use are done intuitively. Then I wait, and let the painting talk to me.

When looking at these large works on paper, listen to what stories they may be whispering to you

'On Fire' on fire over couch.jpg

'On Fire'

'Summer Solstice' Summer Solstice over couch.jpg

'Summer Solstice'

Water Tiger.jpg water tiger over chair.jpg

'Water Tiger'

HEAT WAVE 1.jpg heat wave I over table.jpg

'Heat Wave I'

'Blue Days' blue days over couch_.jpg

'Blue Days'

Omni Presence omni presence over couch.jpg

Omni Presence

'You've got a lot goin' on don't you babe' youve got a lot going on over couch.jpg

'You've got a lot goin' on don't you babe'

'i am worthy' i am worthy over table.jpg

'i am worthy'

I, too. I too over table kitchen.jpg

I, too.

sweetest things.jpg sweetest things over chair.jpg

'Sweetest Things'

Flower Moon.jpg flower moon over table.jpg

'Flower Moon'

New Mexico painting.jpg new mexico over couch.jpg

'New Mexico'

becoming machine.jpg becoming machine over table.jpg

'Becoming Machine'

heatwave I.jpg heatwave I next to chair.jpg

'Heat Wave I'

'Pomplemousse' pomplemousse over low table.jpg


Nora's Arc.jpg noras arc in dining.jpg

'Nora's Arc'

'And all that's best of dark and bright' all thats best in a room.JPG

'And all that's best of dark and bright'

Becoming Animal.jpg becoming animal over table.jpg

'Becoming Animal'

We are Wolves.jpg We are Wolves over table.jpg

'We are Wolves'

'The Call' the call in kitchen_.jpg

'The Call'

Jealous Guy Painting.jpg Jealous guy framed.jpg

'Jealous Guy'

222.jpg 222 over table.jpg


'The Portal' The portal in room.jpg

'The Portal'

what if nothing's wrong.jpg what if nothing's wrong over table.jpg

'what if nothing is wrong'

'Spiro ergo Prospero' spiro ergo prospero in room.jpg

'Spiro ergo Prospero'

that's called love.jpg called love over table.jpg

'...that's called love'

ascension horizontal.jpg ascencion over couch.jpg


quintessence quintessence.jpg quintessence quintessence over table.jpg

'Quintessence Quintessence'

Mother.jpg mother over table.jpg


all the feels.jpg all the feels next to chair.jpg

'All the feels'

solitude.jpg solitude next to chair.jpg


Yes Please.jpg yes please.jpg

'Yes Please'

'Forest of Angels' forest of angels in room.jpg

'Forest of Angels'

take your time.jpg take your time over chair.jpg

'Take your time'

ecotone.jpg ecotone over table.jpg


lovers.jpg lovers over table.jpg


t-now.jpg t-now next to chair.jpg


IMG_4817.JPG 8D2FA0CE-6940-474E-9FC2-384433BEBAD6.JPG

'Slow Down'

'P-22' p-22 next to table.jpg


'Stir Crazy' stir crazy in room.jpg

'Stir Crazy'
