Originals on canvas

'Trio of Existence' trio+of+existence+above+couch.jpg

'Trio of Existence'

'Pegasus' pegasus over couch.jpg


2.22 2.22 over couch_.jpg


'They told us what was good and bad and we listened' they told us in room.jpg

'They told us what was good and bad and we listened'

'Manifest Destitute' Manifest+destitute+outside.jpg

'Manifest Destitute'

'Flowers on both of sides of the track' IMG_6813.JPG

'Flowers on both of sides of the track'

'Man vs Himself' Man vs himself next to chair.jpg

'Man vs Himself'

'Just a speck' IMG_8512.JPG

'Just a speck'

'So this is love' IMG_8494.JPG

'So this is love'

'Mind Maze' IMG_5826.JPG

'Mind Maze'

SUPER BLOOM.jpg 857A370B-99D7-4671-BD3A-747F1DE922CA.JPG

'Super Bloom'

'We all deserve the light' we all deserve the light over couch.jpg

'We all deserve the light'

'Ireland' Ireland over table.jpg


'Aether' aether in a room .JPG


'San Miguel de Allende' san miguel over table kitchen.jpg

'San Miguel de Allende'

'Mediterranean Vibe' IMG_8514.JPG

'Mediterranean Vibe'

'Forget me knot' forget me knot over table.jpg

'Forget me knot'

man vs man II.jpg man vs man II over couch_.jpg

'Man vs Man'

'Hypatia's Heart' Hypatia's Heart in room .jpg

'Hypatia's Heart'

'False Alarm, Baby' IMG_8511.JPG

'False Alarm, Baby'

'Color within the Tunnel' color within the tunnel in room .JPG

'Color within the Tunnel'

'December Girl' December girl in room .JPG

'December Girl'

'The Rhino, The Witch, and the Wardrobe' rhino witch and wardrobe over couch.jpg

'The Rhino, The Witch, and the Wardrobe'

'Man vs System' man vs system in kitchen .jpg

'Man vs System'

'Us through the looking glass' us through the looking glass in a room .JPG

'Us through the looking glass'

ho'oponopono.jpg ho'oponopo over couch.jpg


'Where do they hide her?' where do they hide her in room.jpg

'Where do they hide her?'

'Genocide Fatigue' genocide fagigue over couch.jpg

'Genocide Fatigue'

'Blue Girl' blue+girl+in+room.jpg

'Blue Girl'

'Happy Earth Day' Happy Earth day in room.jpg

'Happy Earth Day'

'Eros and Logos' IMG_1463.JPG

'Eros and Logos'

dragon_.jpg dragon above couch.jpg


butterfly.JPEG R.E.T. over table.jpg

R.E.T. (release embrace transform)

Dystopian Vibes Dystopian Vibes 1.JPEG

Dystopian Vibes

karmic love 2.jpg karmic love  next to chair.jpg

'Karmic love'

'Kali-Ma' IMG_3197.jpeg


'VII (a memory)' VII next to chair.jpg

'VII (a memory)'

'Animism' animism over couch.jpg


Eclipse Season eclipse season in room.jpg

Eclipse Season

'Careering Towards' careering towards over table.jpg

'Careering Towards'

'A woman with a Watering Can' woman with watering can  next to chair.jpg

'A woman with a Watering Can'

Idealism Idealism 1.jpg


PachaMamma 0986D775-F43E-4357-9F43-CDC003755A4E.JPG


'Wish I lived here' F733817D-DB9F-4B98-8E96-FE9934D2069D.JPG

'Wish I lived here'

Wasted on Watermelon A32A9E27-A48B-46E7-BAA3-DF217886E932.JPG

Wasted on Watermelon
